Wednesday, July 21, 2010

35 weeks pregnant
About a month to go!!!

I've been having some tremendous pelvic pressure. When I stand up from a sitting position or exert any effort, I feel intense pressure bearing down. Makes me nervous... wondering if the baby is going to stay in there!  People close to me say I've grown a lot in the last month.

It's been unusually warm around here lately.  As you may know, I don't have air conditioning or a house that is conducive to getting a breeze blowing through it, which really sucks.  It's bearable most of the time... but some days in the late afternoon the sun just comes beating in the dining room windows and cranks up the temp in here.  My sleeping has been really poor, so being in a hot house makes it much worse.  Today looks to be in the 80's.  Missing my old friend, the lake breeze.

I'm getting super antsy.  Is it the nesting instinct??? I have to work today and tomorrow... then 4 days next week and I am DONE.  I cannot believe next week is my LAST week.  No one really knows what will become of me in the future, as far as work is concerned.  I have reduced my status officially to "part-time," but it's unclear whether there will be anything PT for me once my FMLA expires in late October.  I am not stressing about it too much.  I am SUPER excited about going back to school in September, and with the demands of that along with a new baby - I will have my plate full :-)

A lot of people are surprised I am going to school full-time this fall - and tell me I am going to be exhausted and overwhelmed. That may be true... but I have a couple of important things going for me!  For one, the exercise piece helps me tremendously.  It gives me energy, motivation and combats sleepiness.  I cannot WAIT to get back to my regular program - and for running to be fun again!  There's an awesome wellness center on campus and I will be spending most of my time there for my classes in Exercise Physiology.  If I am not able to work out prior to school in the morning, I will have breaks throughout the day where I can utilize the facilities.  Plus, there's my awesome husband. He is so helpful and is totally supporting me in my goals. We will take turns getting up in the night like we did before - plus he is working from home for the month of September so I can attend school until the baby is old enough to go to daycare. Annnnnd.... of course I am tremendously excited to study my passion and to charter a new path for myself.  So many wonderful things to look forward to!

I continue running...but it is much more difficult. I was proud of myself for getting a 6-miler in last Sunday.  I can still do the first mile in about 9:15, then I usually slow down to 11 minute miles. That is ok with me.  At least it feels like a workout! (even bending over to pick something up off the floor feels like a workout to me at this point...LOL)  I also take walking breaks when needed and don't feel bad about it.  Sometimes I get those round ligament pains when running, they sorta feel like a sharp stitch in your lower belly and make running almost impossible - so I need to stop and walk until the feeling passes.  In addition to running I do my plyometrics workout on Tuesdays (super modified) and pushups.  While I'm at work I try to take a lot of walking breaks.  I will just get up and walk around... it also gives me an excuse to go outside, hike up the hill and get a cold beverage. LOL  I am going to miss working downtown, it's fun having easy access to all the local businesses and being down where all the action is!

I have a doctor appointment this Friday.  I hope she will check my cervix this time to see if anything is "happening."  I feel like it just MUST be...with all this pressure and weird pains I have been experiencing, but you never know - could just be my own wishful thinking! We will see.  I will keep you updated!

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